Mathematical Aspects of Natural Dynamos

Andrew Soward
Emmanuel Dormy
A reference for students and researchers in the subject aera.
504 pages
ISBN 13: 
ISBN 9781584889540
Collection rouge

For centuries it has been known that astrophysical bodies, ranging from planets to stars and galaxies, generate magnetic fields.

Indeed the very existence of the Earth’s magnetic field has enabled travellers and explorers to determine their direction by use the compass. Despite our long familiarity with the Earth’s magnetic field, its origin together with that of other celestial bodies remains a very challenging problem.

What is now known, however, is that these magnetic fields are generated and maintained by the motion of electrically conducting fluids. The study of magnetic field generation is called “dynamo theory???, which itself forms a special branch of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) In Mathematical Aspects of Natural Dynamos, contributions from some of the world’s leading experts are gathered together to provide broad coverage of the central issues in this rapidly developing research field.

Much recent progress has been achieved through the combined use of numerical, experimental, analytical and observational techniques.

While this book is focused largely on the fundamental analytical background which forms the basis of a detailed understanding of the subject, reviews are also presented concerning the state of the art in computing, experiments and observations.


Mathematical Aspects of Natural Dynamos is directed at researchers and graduate students who may use the text as an introduction to the subject area and as a reference source. Though a solid background in mathematics and fluid mechanics is assumed of the reader, prior knowledge of MHD, dynamo theory, geophysics and astrophysics is not required.